I’m excited to announce the Our Organic Lemon Lavender Body Butter has won 2nd place in the #certcleanbeautyawards ! Out of 300+ companies all over the world entering, it warms my heart to win 2nd place! Lemon Lavender Body Butter was actually a suggestion from a customer a couple years ago and it was a hit instantly! I was keeping it a seasonal lotion until customers would request it all year round. It’s now a staple body butter at Homemade Betty! To celebrate this win and #earthday2019 our Organic Lemon Lavender Body Butter is $5 off of our 4oz and 8oz jars! Want to know what’s in it to make it so clean? 🌿organic raw Shea butter 🌿organic unrefined coconut oil 🌿organic avocado oil 🌿organic lemongrass 🌿organic French Lavender #organicskincare #veganskincare #cleanskincare #vegansofnj #holisticlifestyle #zerowasteshop #zerowasteskincare #holisticskincare #winner #certcleanbeautyawards #organicvegan #organiclotion #veganmom #earthdayeveryday #greenskincare #holistichealing #zerowasteskincare #zerowasteliving #cleanbeauty #mondaymornings #greenwitch #wildcrafted https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwjdrc9nn9N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i6i5k3unkxpa